
While we were doing that shoot..Mum was on the highway having a BIG accident. She went to John Hunter in an Ambo.

She was admitted and started the VERY LONG ORDEAL of OBS and TESTS. She is very very sore a fractures sternum ( steering wheel) and too many bruises for a woman in her 70s to have..

MUMS car...she was turning right into Brunker road and a car come through the lights towards here and hit her. Mum says her light was green to turn...not sure whoi is at fault at this time. Airbars didnt fire, I presume it was because of a side hit.

mums car

other car...Before we got there apparently this driver was so aggressive towards mum the firemen had to stand between them...."Arsehole of the Year " goes to the 6'5" wanker in the KIA, who can scream at old ladies...

When calmly I told him that that was really poor form...he gave me the speech of the night " Come on Come, I dont care if I go to Jail"

ZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzz !!

Here is Therese doing a great roadside job of making notes for the insurance company..
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